flight booked

 After a long Skype-session a couple of days ago with my roomies to be we finally decided on when we should leave for NY. Me and Jenny will go over first to do some house hunting and then Carla will join us later on. In about a month I will be on my way to the city again!!! Woop woop! I booked my flight yesterday and after hours of googling if it's safer to sit in the back or in the front of the plane I found an article that said that if the plane crashes it is more likely that I will survive if I sit in the back. So that feels good to have the odds on my side. And I will also get the food first. Surviving is always better on a full stomach. 
So now I basically just have the packing left. Dun dun dun. I am kind of scared to even start because yeah, how the hell will I get all the things with me?? I have done a list on everything I need to bring with me and it is a mess. I have nine pairs of shoes on there. NINE. Five of them are sneakers. In different colours. I do love my sneakers. I have decided to leave my camera at home and that gives me room for roughly two more pairs of sneakers. Priorities. Totally my strong side.
He hates when I'm on the computer so he always get inbetween. He is one jealous dog.

here we go again

Yup. Here we go again. A list. But I do love them. And more people keep showing up here (it is so much fun, welcome!!!) so let's get to know me a bit better with some questions. And mix it up with fun posts I have been finding on tumblr recently. Sounds good? Awesome.  
What are you doing right now? 
I am outside in our backyard listening to some music with these awesome headphones I got to borrow from my brother (he's the best). Thankful to have a brother who is a gamer and only buys proper headphones. Even though my head is way to small to look cool in them...
On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
Probably around 3424. So like super afraid. This is so embarrassing because I am twenty and I shouldn't be afraid of the dark but hell nah I have no idea what's hiding in the shadows. 
What scares you the most? 
To die. I feel like I have so much left to do with my life and yeah. It kind of scares me not to be able to do all those things. And when people with an unknown phone number calls me. That is some scary stuff right there. 
What makes you excited? 
Getting postcards or letters!! I love opening up letters that are addressed to me omg. Sadly I barely get any fun letters these days, only bills and boring stuff. Oh and when someone starts telling you about something with "this reminded me of you..."
Where do you see yourself in five years? 
In five years I am hopefully working as an actress in the US (if someone from the US government is reading this I would never ever work illegal I promise!!!!!), is able to travel the world and having my own island in Carribbean. True Johnny Depp style. But if you should listen to the rumours going around about me right now I am probably married by then. This is amazing news for me that didn't even know about this though because then a green card is not that far away. *inserts crying/laughing emoji* No please if these rumours have reached you please do know that it's not the case. I am not going back to NY for a guy. Hahahaha omg. 
What makes you cry? 
When animals die in movies. Jeez. Heartbreaking. 
Do you have any scars?
Yes, I actually have three. Buhu.
1. Two claw marks from when I was little and my cat by mistake got stuck with her claws in my arm. Ouch. 
2. A burnmark around my ankle from my graduation when my dogs leash got stuck around my ankle and he ran after a ball. Again. Ouch. 
3. When I got attacked by a dog a few years ago while protecting my own dog. I took my dog in my arms (thank god he is small) when the other dog came running after him so when there were no longer a dog on the ground the mean dog just jumped and bit my leg instead. Not ouch on this one though?? Didn't even feel that he bit me. Thank you chock and adrenaline. 
If you were a type of tree, what would you be? 
I love these questions. Totally important. If I were a tree I would be... *googles types of trees*. I only found a wikipedia site on important trees and none of them seemed to have had a fun life so I am just gonna go with a christmas tree because who wouldn't wanna be a christmas tree??
What was your last dream about?
Hmm.. don't remember my last dream. But I do almost have a dream like every single night. Just can't remember any of them right now haha. Oh wait, just a few nights ago I had a dream that I fell on my face and lost three teeth. And then I came up with the smart idea that I could keep the teeth in my pocket so the dentist could glue them back on. Brilliant I know.
If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
A creagle. A crocodile with an eagle. First thing that came to my mind. A flying crocodile that can also swim. I want one. 
Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
Trump. Maybe I could punch some sense into him. Probably not. I think he is a lost case. And I am not THAT strong.
Are you a good liar?
Nothing to brag about but yes sadly I am. I actually see myself as a great liar. I do not lie thaaaaat often though because I feel kinda bad when I do it. But yes, sometimes there is no other way.
What do you usually start your text messages with? 
Well this depends on the person I'm texting but probably something like "heeeeej" or "hiii". I like to have more than just one letter if you didn't notice. It makes it waaay more exciting. Yeah see, I did it again.
What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
Unique and unique. I don't know about that but I am really afraid of veins. Not blood or needles (well okay needles a bit) but it's mostly veins. Oh god like when people talk about veins or try to touch them I swear I am so close to fainting. And the people that knows about this LOVE to show me their veins och try to touch the area on the arm where you get blood samples from. Worst thing ever and I can't even tell you how many times I have almost fainted when people do this (mostly my brother). Glad my phobia is entertaining to some people though (again BROTHER).
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I would probably change the fact that I don't have wings. I really really really want to have wings. Or like these things that fish have. So you can breathe under water. That would be awesome too. 

study abroad

Preparing for a year abroad isn't the easiest thing to do. It might not seem like there is much to do at first but just wait. It will be even more than you could imagine. First there is hella many papers you have to fill in and send to every single person on the whole earth. Not really but that is how it feels. And then like I already mentioned in a previous post, you probably did something wrong and have to send them all the things again. After all the paperwork is done you have to visit the US embassy. And it is not the best place you've been to. They are quite rude and want to know EVERYTHING. And when I say everything I truly mean everything. At first I was a bit unsure if the guy was hitting on me but then I realised that he really wanted to know if I had a boyfriend in New York. So be prepared to answer a lot of questions that feels like a joke. I promise you they are not. Do not make my mistake and laugh at the guy asking the questions. They don't think it's funny. Anyways after the most stressful fifteen minutes of your life, the guy that clearly doesn't like you says that your visa has been approved and you get to run out of there. Best feeling ever. 
Okay and then you are basically good to go. Nah not really. I hate to be the one to tell you but there are plenty of things left. Like for example finding a place to live. Which I tell you is HARD. If you have budget. If you are a rich f*cker then get the hell out of here. So basically it is so hard to find somewhere to live when you are across the Atlantic and every broker thinks that you are a scam. And you will have to buy everything when you get there and beds aren't that cheap you know. 
And then we get to the whole packing situation. How the hell are you gonna bring all your favorite things with you? All your shoes? All your clothes? Without having to pay a ridiculous amount of money? What will you leave? What can you live without? Is seven pairs of black jeans really necessary? (yes it probably is.) How do you say goodbye to family and friends? How do you say goodbye to your dog? (this will for sure be the hardest thing for me, to say goodbye to my dog.) Which flight should you take? The one that is a direct flight but more expensive that the one where you have to wait for four hours at some random city in Finland? Will they loose your luggage that you totally over packed but have EVERYTHING in? There are so many questions you will have to ask yourself and you basically don't know the answer to them so just close your eyes and hope for the best.
And after that you are basically ready. Ready to get on that flight that will take you towards something that you really want to do. And everything will be worth it. All those hours you have spent on doing paperwork. All those hours you spent on filling them in again because something went wrong. All those hours it took for you to get to the embassy and wait there for your turn to have your interview. All those hours you spent house hunting and never thought you would find something. All those hours you spent on trying to fit everything in your suitcases and cried a bit over those pretty adidas shoes that you just couldn't take with you because they wouldn't fit in the bag. All those hours you spent on saying goodbye to the people you love the most. All those hours were totally worth it. Because you did it. You are on your way and will probably have the best time of your life. You will meet knew people, learn new things that you would never learn back home and eat fantastic food (best thing). You will learn the language much better and you will learn so many important things about yourself too. You will meet incredible people that will make your life so much better and maybe, just maybe, you will have a new place to call home. And you did it all by yourself even if it felt impossible at some points. And I promise you. It is the best feeling ever.  
Okay and now here are some great tips to whoever is thinking about going abroad to study for a longer period of time in USA. Or to do something else. I don't know. Anyways. Here are five tips that I think will help you a bit on the way! 
* Don't worry too much about what to wear to the US Embassy. I got the information that I had to be very nicely dressed like for an important job interview. But do not fear. You don't have to buy a new skirt and a blazer for your visit at the embassy. Like you don't even get to "meet" your interviewer. They are sitting behind a glass window and they won't even see what you are wearing. So relax. Just dress in something casual. As long as you don't wear sweatpants and crocs you will be fine. 
* Applying for CSN or some other student loan? Well, when you have to send them paperwork like acceptance letter, the cost of the school and other things SEND THEM EVERYTHING YOU HAVE. Or even better, contact your school first of all and ask them to send you the paper that they normally use for CSN or other loans. They usually know what students are applying for. Then you probably don't have to send them papers again and again and again. Like I had to. Learn from my mistakes. Send them every damn paper there is about your studies. It will save you so much time and you will get the money much quicker! 
* Bring two suitcases with you. I know. It will bring an extra cost to it but if you are like me and doesn't want to buy too much over there it is totally worth it. Especially if you are studying and probably won't make money every month. You will not regret spending twenty dollars extra to bring with you soooo many extra clothes, shoes, pillows, or whatever. It might feel a bit like wasting some money and you might wonder how you will do carrying those two big ass suitcases around but it will be worth it. If I can get two suitcases that was over twenty kilos each up seven narrow stairs without falling and dying, you can too. 
* Got some more room in your suitcase? Probably not. But if you do, that is great!! You can know bring some things with you that you would have to buy over there anyway. If you are a Swede then IKEA is your best friend. If you are are from somewhere else then IKEA is still your best friend. I have a feeling that some of their products are a bit cheaper here in Sweden so if you have some space left buy small stuff and fill up the empty place in your suitcase. It can be everything really. Forks, knives (be a bit careful with this one so it's not something the customs will take you for), plastic things for the kitchen and so on. Or if you prefer to take an extra pairs of shoes with you instead of kitchen things I totally understand you. Totally. I would probably do that too. 
* Don't worry if you are going alone without someone by your side. It might seem scary not knowing someone but there are always people in the same situation as you. You will not be left out I promise! As long as you are yourself and a nice human being it will work out. I actually prefer going on my own the first time because then you are forced to get to know new people. If you bring a friend with you it is always nice of course but then you might just hang with that person and not getting to know more new people. So trust me on this one, you will be glad that you went on your own even if it feels a bit scary in the beginning. 

i will always return

Oh my, hi. I haven't forgot about my blog I promise. I have a valid reason why I haven't updated in a week. Because I totally need one and have to explain myself. Yeah. Anyways. I have been at my dads summer house again and there is no wifi there (panic). Therefore I haven't been able to write any blog posts. I did buy some internet to my phone that I shared with my computer but I spent that on Netflix. I think you all understand my choice. Okay enough about that. I had a great time as always up there and it's nice to spend time with my family now that I'm gonna be away for a year. Up there I went kayaking again! It is so fun even though I am terrified of water. I didn't fell in this time either but next time I'm up there I think we're going to pracitce how to tip over and make it out of the kayak alive. Sounds terrifying. I know. I also did some fishing of course and lost a big fish and spent the rest of the night being upset about it. I take fishing very seriously if you didn't know that about me already. I also had a day where I had the place all to myself. Partaaaay. Nah dad, I promise I didn't wreck the place. I slept in, had breakfast outside, took a few "I woke up like this"-pics (as shown below) and then I tried to enjoy being in the sun even if there was twenty eight degrees outside. Didn't go so well.  
 Then I got back home again and have been spending some days at the beach. Well. Beach sounds way too nice to describe where I was. More like a lake with a bit of sand next to it. But it was nice anyways! We had some food with us and easily spent a few hours in the sun reading and swimming. Sadly like the weak scandinavian I am I burnt my back and it kind of hurts. But I had it coming since I strongly believed I was strong enough to be out in the sun for five hours without sun lotion. I was not. 

tonight we make our dreams come true

So yesterday when I woke up I decided to check the news on my phone and the first thing that pops up is that Pokemon Go has been released in Sweden. Holy shit yes finally. I know it's still in beta version and kind of sucks but who the hell cares. I finally get to live my childhood dream where I get to be a pokemon trainer. *Cries a bit* At the age of twenty. Amazing. And if I don't get fit from running around catching pokemons I don't know what. 
So besides catching pokemons (I just have like two because they don't spawn pokemons in the town where I live becuase it's so small so I basically have to run for more than an hour to get somewhere where they are hiding) I have been having some really good lunches (I live for food to be honest??), been to this market they arrange one time every year to buy candy (nothing more important than candy), explaining to a guy that was probably 40+ in the line at the grocery store how to catch pokemons (never thought someone would ask me that) and meeting this really cute cat that followed me around and screamed when I walked away from it. Heartbreaking I know. And yeah then other 'normal human-being stuff' not really worth writing about. But writing about me meeting a cat totally is. Yup. I have my priorities. 
Oh and excuse my hand that looks like some kind of big claw in the picture??? I have no idea how it happened?? It kind of creeps me out but I promise you my hand doesn't look like that in real life! I hope...  

And there's no other place I'd ever wanna go

 So yesterday I went to my dad's summer house to spend the night there. I swear it is so nice and it makes me so calm to be there. Well okay, I wasn't exactly calm when I had to go to one of the other buildings just a bit from our house in the middle of the night. I was totally convinced that I would get kidnapped because I couldn't see anything besides dark shadows everywhere and it was kind of stormy outside so it was like set for a perfect kidnap?? And let's not even talk about the gigantic moth that flew right into my face when I turned on the flashlight. BUT I survived (I ran back to the house almost breaking the door trying to lock it) and we don't really have to talk about the fact that I was so close to bring a pan or something with me to bed. Jeez. Such a traumatic experience.
Oh and before I forget! It's very trendy to look like a zombie with dark circles under your eyes. I promise! Super trendy!
So being back home again could just be really nice but sadly I have to do all these boring things now that I got the time to do it. Is this what growing up really is about? Like for example filling out different forms for CSN and the I-20. Like it takes such a long time. And then when you are SO proud of yourself that you filled everything in and sent them all the paperwork they crush your dreams and ambitions and tell you that you filled it in incorrectly. Yeah, I truly love when it happens. Nah it ain't that bad to be home again. I mean my dog is super thrilled that I'm home again and wakes me up every single morning at seven am by licking my whole face and jumping on me. Even though he is a small dog it feels like he breaks my ribs every single time. And he looks happy while doing it? But lately I have been thinking about being away from him for a year and I will truly miss him even though he is crushing my ribs way too often, makes packing so hard by sitting on/in your bags, goes crazy every single time someone says the swedish word for cat or the fact that he probably should use braces because the first thing people say when they see him is "aw look at his teeth". 

"Nugatti is not the same thing as Nutella"

So after hiking for almost a week we drove up to Åre to end the trip there. We started off by staying at a very cute small hotel in the middle of the town. And this is where my body started to completely shut off. Apparently when you haven't been able to sleep for two months and then push yourself to max, it comes with consequenses. Who knew?? It felt like I had been hit by a truck multiple times and I had nosebleeds four times a day BUT HEY I wouldn't let that stop me. And thankfully after climbing a mountain for seven hours and sleeping in a tent for a week I could finally sleep when I got to a comfortable bed. I actually think I could have fallen asleep anywhere. So if you ever have trouble sleeping just climb a mountain and I promise you that it will get better. So easily done and everything. Not being sarcastic at all. Anyways. Getting on with it.
The day after we arrived to Åre we took the car and drove over to Norway! There is a town called Trondheim and it is truly one of the most beautiful cities ever. We had some lunch, walked around and of course we bought some things that you simple can't leave Norway without. Nugatti Air and Stratos. Seriously I don't know what I would do without it sometimes. And I don't want to hear anyone telling me that Nugatti is basically Nutella because it's not. You think I would cross borders to get Nugatti if it was just like Nutella? Don't think so. 
After two nights at the first hotel we moved and checked in to a hotel called Copperhill. I have been waiting to get back there for a whole year. It is my favorite hotel in the whole world. It is located on top of an old copper mine and also on the top of a hill therefore it's name. The view from the rooms are breath taking, especially at sunset. Since Åre is kind of a ski resort there isn't that many people there during the summer which is great for us because the hotel isn't that busy and somedays you even have the whole spa section to yourself. Which is awesome because then you can eat as much of the free fruit that you want and no one is there to judge you after your seventh apple. Score. And you even have Zlatan as your neighbour. Sadly he wasn't home so we weren't invited for tea this time.
Besides just being at the hotel (you really don't want to leave it) we did some trips to small villages around Åre, had some really good lunches (favorite one was my noodle sallad omnomnom) and I posed in the bathroom because I thought the light was cool. Yup. No shame in that. One day I got to join my cousin to the kids club at the hotel. They had a little get together for the kids and they got to make their own popcorn cones and then got free popcorns. I think I was more excited than my cousin and thankfully there was a guy in my age there as well who made his own cone too so I wasn't totally alone surrounded by kids. Free popcorn is always a great thing.
Another day when the others went down to spend the day at a swimming resort thingy I spent the day at the hotel room playing Need for Speed. Totally worth it. I then got to teach my eight year old cousin how to play it. I can now proudly say that I learned her the proper way how to get rid of the police while driving reckless and how to smash other cars. What a role model I am!!
Another great thing about Copperhill is the hotel breakfast. I mean wow. Being able to eat both yoghurt, sandwhiches, eggs, bacon AND pancakes at the same time is so nice. I want to have it that way every day. Eat breakfast kids. It's good for ya. The hotel also has a really nice gym that was basically empty at all times which was perfect. I was there every day to watch "The Great British Bake Off" while running on the threadmill. That is how I stay motivated. Having a cake to run towards. It's great, you should totally try it. Sadly all good things comes to an end. After a week in Åre we packed our things, stole the cute little schampoo bottles from the hotel and started our long journey home.

1797 meters above sea level

After more than two weeks on the road I am back home again. It has been so much fun and I miss it already.
We started two weeks ago by leaving Stockholm and driving about seven hours up in Sweden. There, in a small town, we begun our hike up to Helags! It's about a six hour hike to the mountain station and the walk is so beautiful and uhm, a bit hard at some points but mostly just beautiful. Last year my backpack was about eight kilos but this year it was more than sixteen kilos. It might not sound that much but when walking uphill for six hours it is A LOT and I had bruises on my shoulders and hips afterwards haha. Like imagine doing squats for six hours straight with sixteen kilos extras on you, that's how it felt. Anyways, we had great weather and me and my little cousin made it to the station first *flexing my non-existing muscles*.
The mountain station is just below Helags (the big mountain in the picture above) and it's such a cute place. The people working there are so nice and their food is so amazing. We celebrated midsummer up there which is kind of different from what it normally is but I like it. Since the station is so high up they have a helicopter that fly everything they need up there so even we got our potatoes, harring and meatballs on midsummer eve. Woop woop. The day after midsummer we made a trip half way up to the top. It was way to foggy for us to continue so we took a different way down and found the most magical place ever. It was a small lake just below the glacier where the clouds were so low, everything was quite and it was just us there. The pictures I took doesn't even give the place justice but I can assure you it is now one of my favorite places in the whole world. 
 But then two days later we looked outside and the weather was nice again! It was sunny and no clouds were low so we could see the top of the mountain from the station. So we decided to give it a try and get to the top. We started to walk up and man I tell you it was STEEP. At some points I was actually climbing on all four. It was very windy and we actually witnessed small tornados (I sound like such a drama queen but it was like the non-deadly ones, like super tiny) that made such a weird noise when they made their way over the mountain. It took us many hours but we made it to the top!! You could see all the way in to Norway and wow, the feeling up there was amazing. After seven (!!!!!) hours we were back at the mountain station again. It didn't take us that long to go back down since we could slide down on the snow hehe. 
The day after our adventurous climb we walked down from the mountain station and back to the car. It was so cold that day and it was raining like crazy and windy and omg I never walked so fast in my entire life. The only picture I took on the way down is the first one below. I think it symbolize the hike down very well. Five hours later we were all cheering on the parking lot that we made it. The second picture below is me posing with some cars and smiling trough the pain in my legs and my back. I never have to workout ever again after this trip. Cold and tired we jumped in to the car and started driving towards Åre! But more about that another day. 
