here we go again
Yup. Here we go again. A list. But I do love them. And more people keep showing up here (it is so much fun, welcome!!!) so let's get to know me a bit better with some questions. And mix it up with fun posts I have been finding on tumblr recently. Sounds good? Awesome.
What are you doing right now?
I am outside in our backyard listening to some music with these awesome headphones I got to borrow from my brother (he's the best). Thankful to have a brother who is a gamer and only buys proper headphones. Even though my head is way to small to look cool in them...
On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
Probably around 3424. So like super afraid. This is so embarrassing because I am twenty and I shouldn't be afraid of the dark but hell nah I have no idea what's hiding in the shadows.
What scares you the most?
To die. I feel like I have so much left to do with my life and yeah. It kind of scares me not to be able to do all those things. And when people with an unknown phone number calls me. That is some scary stuff right there.
What makes you excited?
Getting postcards or letters!! I love opening up letters that are addressed to me omg. Sadly I barely get any fun letters these days, only bills and boring stuff. Oh and when someone starts telling you about something with "this reminded me of you..."
Where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years I am hopefully working as an actress in the US (if someone from the US government is reading this I would never ever work illegal I promise!!!!!), is able to travel the world and having my own island in Carribbean. True Johnny Depp style. But if you should listen to the rumours going around about me right now I am probably married by then. This is amazing news for me that didn't even know about this though because then a green card is not that far away. *inserts crying/laughing emoji* No please if these rumours have reached you please do know that it's not the case. I am not going back to NY for a guy. Hahahaha omg.
What makes you cry?
When animals die in movies. Jeez. Heartbreaking.
Do you have any scars?
Yes, I actually have three. Buhu.
1. Two claw marks from when I was little and my cat by mistake got stuck with her claws in my arm. Ouch.
2. A burnmark around my ankle from my graduation when my dogs leash got stuck around my ankle and he ran after a ball. Again. Ouch.
1. Two claw marks from when I was little and my cat by mistake got stuck with her claws in my arm. Ouch.
2. A burnmark around my ankle from my graduation when my dogs leash got stuck around my ankle and he ran after a ball. Again. Ouch.
3. When I got attacked by a dog a few years ago while protecting my own dog. I took my dog in my arms (thank god he is small) when the other dog came running after him so when there were no longer a dog on the ground the mean dog just jumped and bit my leg instead. Not ouch on this one though?? Didn't even feel that he bit me. Thank you chock and adrenaline.
If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
I love these questions. Totally important. If I were a tree I would be... *googles types of trees*. I only found a wikipedia site on important trees and none of them seemed to have had a fun life so I am just gonna go with a christmas tree because who wouldn't wanna be a christmas tree??
What was your last dream about?
Hmm.. don't remember my last dream. But I do almost have a dream like every single night. Just can't remember any of them right now haha. Oh wait, just a few nights ago I had a dream that I fell on my face and lost three teeth. And then I came up with the smart idea that I could keep the teeth in my pocket so the dentist could glue them back on. Brilliant I know.
If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
A creagle. A crocodile with an eagle. First thing that came to my mind. A flying crocodile that can also swim. I want one.
Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
Trump. Maybe I could punch some sense into him. Probably not. I think he is a lost case. And I am not THAT strong.
Are you a good liar?
Nothing to brag about but yes sadly I am. I actually see myself as a great liar. I do not lie thaaaaat often though because I feel kinda bad when I do it. But yes, sometimes there is no other way.
What do you usually start your text messages with?
Well this depends on the person I'm texting but probably something like "heeeeej" or "hiii". I like to have more than just one letter if you didn't notice. It makes it waaay more exciting. Yeah see, I did it again.
What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
Unique and unique. I don't know about that but I am really afraid of veins. Not blood or needles (well okay needles a bit) but it's mostly veins. Oh god like when people talk about veins or try to touch them I swear I am so close to fainting. And the people that knows about this LOVE to show me their veins och try to touch the area on the arm where you get blood samples from. Worst thing ever and I can't even tell you how many times I have almost fainted when people do this (mostly my brother). Glad my phobia is entertaining to some people though (again BROTHER).
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I would probably change the fact that I don't have wings. I really really really want to have wings. Or like these things that fish have. So you can breathe under water. That would be awesome too.