see you soon new york

When this blog post is up on here I am on my way to New York!!!! Omg. I have been so stressed these last weeks, I have also been nervous and sad because hugging people goodbye is the worst thing I know. Been trying to hold back the tears though because I hate crying hehe. Anyways, the packing should be ready now (I do hope so since I'm in a plane across the Atlantic) and this weekend I bought one and a half kilo candy to bring with me since it was more than fifty procent cheaper than usual. Score. It was chaos at the supermarkets candy corner though and people were pushing each other, yelling, babies were crying and old men were screaming at teenagers for taking the last pieces of the best candy. Sweden everyone. Anyways, enough about my candy experience. I hope you all had a great monday. Wish me luck on my travels and I'll try to update on here later this week when I have settled in a bit! Byeeeee. 

flight booked

 After a long Skype-session a couple of days ago with my roomies to be we finally decided on when we should leave for NY. Me and Jenny will go over first to do some house hunting and then Carla will join us later on. In about a month I will be on my way to the city again!!! Woop woop! I booked my flight yesterday and after hours of googling if it's safer to sit in the back or in the front of the plane I found an article that said that if the plane crashes it is more likely that I will survive if I sit in the back. So that feels good to have the odds on my side. And I will also get the food first. Surviving is always better on a full stomach. 
So now I basically just have the packing left. Dun dun dun. I am kind of scared to even start because yeah, how the hell will I get all the things with me?? I have done a list on everything I need to bring with me and it is a mess. I have nine pairs of shoes on there. NINE. Five of them are sneakers. In different colours. I do love my sneakers. I have decided to leave my camera at home and that gives me room for roughly two more pairs of sneakers. Priorities. Totally my strong side.
He hates when I'm on the computer so he always get inbetween. He is one jealous dog.

study abroad

Preparing for a year abroad isn't the easiest thing to do. It might not seem like there is much to do at first but just wait. It will be even more than you could imagine. First there is hella many papers you have to fill in and send to every single person on the whole earth. Not really but that is how it feels. And then like I already mentioned in a previous post, you probably did something wrong and have to send them all the things again. After all the paperwork is done you have to visit the US embassy. And it is not the best place you've been to. They are quite rude and want to know EVERYTHING. And when I say everything I truly mean everything. At first I was a bit unsure if the guy was hitting on me but then I realised that he really wanted to know if I had a boyfriend in New York. So be prepared to answer a lot of questions that feels like a joke. I promise you they are not. Do not make my mistake and laugh at the guy asking the questions. They don't think it's funny. Anyways after the most stressful fifteen minutes of your life, the guy that clearly doesn't like you says that your visa has been approved and you get to run out of there. Best feeling ever. 
Okay and then you are basically good to go. Nah not really. I hate to be the one to tell you but there are plenty of things left. Like for example finding a place to live. Which I tell you is HARD. If you have budget. If you are a rich f*cker then get the hell out of here. So basically it is so hard to find somewhere to live when you are across the Atlantic and every broker thinks that you are a scam. And you will have to buy everything when you get there and beds aren't that cheap you know. 
And then we get to the whole packing situation. How the hell are you gonna bring all your favorite things with you? All your shoes? All your clothes? Without having to pay a ridiculous amount of money? What will you leave? What can you live without? Is seven pairs of black jeans really necessary? (yes it probably is.) How do you say goodbye to family and friends? How do you say goodbye to your dog? (this will for sure be the hardest thing for me, to say goodbye to my dog.) Which flight should you take? The one that is a direct flight but more expensive that the one where you have to wait for four hours at some random city in Finland? Will they loose your luggage that you totally over packed but have EVERYTHING in? There are so many questions you will have to ask yourself and you basically don't know the answer to them so just close your eyes and hope for the best.
And after that you are basically ready. Ready to get on that flight that will take you towards something that you really want to do. And everything will be worth it. All those hours you have spent on doing paperwork. All those hours you spent on filling them in again because something went wrong. All those hours it took for you to get to the embassy and wait there for your turn to have your interview. All those hours you spent house hunting and never thought you would find something. All those hours you spent on trying to fit everything in your suitcases and cried a bit over those pretty adidas shoes that you just couldn't take with you because they wouldn't fit in the bag. All those hours you spent on saying goodbye to the people you love the most. All those hours were totally worth it. Because you did it. You are on your way and will probably have the best time of your life. You will meet knew people, learn new things that you would never learn back home and eat fantastic food (best thing). You will learn the language much better and you will learn so many important things about yourself too. You will meet incredible people that will make your life so much better and maybe, just maybe, you will have a new place to call home. And you did it all by yourself even if it felt impossible at some points. And I promise you. It is the best feeling ever.  
Okay and now here are some great tips to whoever is thinking about going abroad to study for a longer period of time in USA. Or to do something else. I don't know. Anyways. Here are five tips that I think will help you a bit on the way! 
* Don't worry too much about what to wear to the US Embassy. I got the information that I had to be very nicely dressed like for an important job interview. But do not fear. You don't have to buy a new skirt and a blazer for your visit at the embassy. Like you don't even get to "meet" your interviewer. They are sitting behind a glass window and they won't even see what you are wearing. So relax. Just dress in something casual. As long as you don't wear sweatpants and crocs you will be fine. 
* Applying for CSN or some other student loan? Well, when you have to send them paperwork like acceptance letter, the cost of the school and other things SEND THEM EVERYTHING YOU HAVE. Or even better, contact your school first of all and ask them to send you the paper that they normally use for CSN or other loans. They usually know what students are applying for. Then you probably don't have to send them papers again and again and again. Like I had to. Learn from my mistakes. Send them every damn paper there is about your studies. It will save you so much time and you will get the money much quicker! 
* Bring two suitcases with you. I know. It will bring an extra cost to it but if you are like me and doesn't want to buy too much over there it is totally worth it. Especially if you are studying and probably won't make money every month. You will not regret spending twenty dollars extra to bring with you soooo many extra clothes, shoes, pillows, or whatever. It might feel a bit like wasting some money and you might wonder how you will do carrying those two big ass suitcases around but it will be worth it. If I can get two suitcases that was over twenty kilos each up seven narrow stairs without falling and dying, you can too. 
* Got some more room in your suitcase? Probably not. But if you do, that is great!! You can know bring some things with you that you would have to buy over there anyway. If you are a Swede then IKEA is your best friend. If you are are from somewhere else then IKEA is still your best friend. I have a feeling that some of their products are a bit cheaper here in Sweden so if you have some space left buy small stuff and fill up the empty place in your suitcase. It can be everything really. Forks, knives (be a bit careful with this one so it's not something the customs will take you for), plastic things for the kitchen and so on. Or if you prefer to take an extra pairs of shoes with you instead of kitchen things I totally understand you. Totally. I would probably do that too. 
* Don't worry if you are going alone without someone by your side. It might seem scary not knowing someone but there are always people in the same situation as you. You will not be left out I promise! As long as you are yourself and a nice human being it will work out. I actually prefer going on my own the first time because then you are forced to get to know new people. If you bring a friend with you it is always nice of course but then you might just hang with that person and not getting to know more new people. So trust me on this one, you will be glad that you went on your own even if it feels a bit scary in the beginning. 

Sooooo... I kind of did this thing...

I have been trying to write this post for weeks now but it was harder than I thought. I just got home from living in New York for more than ten weeks and those weeks have been truly amazing. Before I went I could've never imagined them to be so amazing that they were. I met so many fantastic people that came to be my closest friends. I was in such a bad place before I went to New York and these people really changed everything. After these weeks at the school and after being around all these people I could finally be able to do so many things I couldn't do before. Things I could never dream of doing. So thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. You guys know who you are. Thank you for always making me laugh, dance and smile every single day. 
Sooooo, let's sum up these ten weeks in New York. What really happened? Well...
* There has been A LOT of dancing in the streets
* There has been A LOT of weird acting out in public (thank you for this Carla)
* There has been countless visits to smashburger (they now recognize us)
* There has been a lot of awesome pre-games in the dorms (oh how I miss them)
* There has been some arguments with the security guards at the dorms about what we had in our backpacks
* Me and Carla bought a pink football and named it Ragnarök (I hope he is alright in his new home)
* I have about ten monologues and about twenty scenes memorized
* There were really uncomfy beds at the doorms but I kind of miss them (really I just miss living with my roomie)
* There has been a lot of reharsals in my room gone wrong (me and Vanessa usually ended up crying of laughter) 
* I was thrown out of a bar because the bartender thought my Swedish ID was a fake one (???)
* I basically paid seventeen dollars to take a nap at the cinema (totally worth it though)
* We had to share our apartment with a big rat for almost two weeks (it liked nachos)
* I realised that I'm kind of weird to share rooms and beds with (so sorry for the people that had to experience it)
* There has been way too many late nights (just kidding, there is no such thing)
* Countless meetings outside the building on the stairs to have girl talk
* Cab rides gone wild (I'm not even going to get into this one)
I could go on forever but I'll stop here. To say goodbye was the hardest thing I have ever done. Since saying goodbye to high school wasn't hard at all I was not prepared for this goodbye. It's hard to leave a place where I feel safe and at home. To leave people that mean so much to me. To leave a school I loved going to. 
I kind of did this thing. 
Where I applied for the one year program. 
And got in.
I am leaving Sweden once again to be gone for a year. To live in New York. And I couldn't be happier about it. 
So New York get ready, the person with the very weird surname that no one can pronounce will return this fall. WIHOOO.
(beautiful NY and beautiful friends)

listen up, we're looking for recruits

Om två veckor befinner vi oss i London igen och jag längtar så mycket att jag knappt kan sitta still. Jag känner på mig att denna resa kommer bli tusen gånger bättre då vi faktiskt kommer stanna lite längre denna gång. Nu har vi äntligen tid att andas och faktiskt landa innan vi sätter oss på planet hem igen. Förhoppningsvis blir det inget kaos denna resa men om jag känner mig och Selma rätt brukar det bli lite kaos när vi är iväg på saker. Vi får se hur allt blir helt enkelt, men bra kommer det bli i alla fall. 

Känner att denna trip är precis vad jag behöver just nu. Saknar London varje dag och om det inte vore för att jag hade ett tag i skolan kvar hade jag redan flyttat dit. Men det är inte långt kvar till studenten och efter det är det fritt fram och då är det London som gäller. Alla gånger. 

La la la, whatever

Har spenderat dagen i soffan med matteboken och för en timme sen blev jag äntligen klar. Imorgon är det nationella och det känns rätt okej ändå, det är bara att köra. 
Igår tackade jag ja till min plats på skolan, så nu är det säkert att jag kommer iväg. Är så taggad, vill åka nu!! 

och jag var 17 år ville inte va den som blev kvar

I fredags hittade jag ett brev i min brevlåda som var skickat från Storbritannien. I brevet stod det att jag blivit antagen till en skola i London och jag böjade gråta som ett litet barn. Har väntat så länge på besked och jag var så säker på att jag inte skulle bli accepterad.
Min dröm har nämligen varit att få flytta till England och plugga där, och nu ska jag få göra det till hösten. Det är helt sjukt, och jag har nog aldrig varit lyckligare. Kan inte ens beskriva känslan. Jag ska få leva min dröm och jag får nästan nypa mig i armen för att förstå det. 
I augusti sitter jag på ett plan iväg från Sverige för att vara borta ett år. Herregud.