I wanted more than life could ever grant me

 Okay so this whole "update your blog"-thing isn't really working for me. Mainly because I forget to take photos of the things I do and just writing a bunch of text is boring. BUT, I will give this a try again. 
So since last time I have been working for the first time since I got home. I have also been spending some time at my dad's summer house. I really love it there. When I was there I got to try kayaks. In the beginning I was TERRIFIED (like I thought a shark would come and eat me. Like you are soooo close to the water and have you ever watched shark week?) but after awhile I got the hand of it and it was really fun. Me and my dad also went fishing which I love. I do think I had the most fun since I was the one who got the fishes. Don't tell my dad I wrote that. I also somehow managed to fall asleep in the sun for an hour with shorts and I now have the ugliest tan in the whole world and won't be able to wear a bikini this summer. Yeah, it's that bad. 
I also managed to drive all the way home from Stockholm a couple of days ago!!! I haven't been driving for that long before and on that kind of highway but I did it and we all got home safe. Phew. Now I will only be home for a few days and then go back to Stockholm again. I feel like I practically live there now haha. No but this time I will only stay for a night and then I'll join my aunt and her family to go and hike in the swedish mountains! I am soooo looking forward to it!! Last year we did the same thing and on midsummer eve we went sledding in the snow haha. Hopefully there will be some snow this year too. After the hike I'm gonna head to Åre to stay there for a couple of days. Perfect way to end the little mini vacation!  
And I end this post with some pics from my snapchat. High quality I KNOW. I am kind of funny there sometimes. Read sometimes as never. Well if you fancy adding me anyways --> e_bjornsdotter is my username. Byeee.


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