a battle between a country and a city

Dun dun dun. The title of this blog post says it all. A battle. Between NYC and Sweden. *drum rolls* 
Okay this is a question I get a lot. To compare Sweden and my city here with New York. So even if I only been to New York a couple of times is still consider myself appropriate for this task. Because even if I have been in Sweden waaaay more than New York I still know some important pros and cons.
This is like a rap battle.
Without the rap.
Okay. Here we go. 
* A lot of hot guys (of course)
* There is always something to do even if it's four in the morning
* Cheap pizza (I live for this)
* Shake Shack (their chicken burger holy moly)
* Huge buildings with great views (I don't have that where I'm from)
* It is a huge city which means that you can hide if you want to (not trying to sound like a criminal)
* It is never completely quite (I love this because silence makes me go crazy)
* Cheap nail polish (mucho importante)
* The subway system is easy to understand (might not be the best in the world but yeah, easy to understand!!!)
* Like the possibilites?? 
* Forever 21 (they have the best shirts)
* These cinemas where you get a chair that you can make to like a "bed" (best thing EVER take me there and I am yours forever)
* You can get everything with the flavour "peanut butter"
* Reeses pieces (I swear this candy lasts forever, I still find pieces of it in my bags)
* So my dad told me that there is salmon in the Hudson River that you can fish??? (would never eat it though, feels like it could be radioactive or something) 
* You can get anything fried (even salads have a fried option)
* If you drink the tap water your body will be like 50% chlorine because that is how the water tastes
* It is a very expensive city to live in
* You might have a rat as your neighbour (not sure if this is a pro or a con hm I guess it depends on the rat)
* The air is a serious problem for people with allergies (hello asthma)
* Rush hour is no joke
* It feels dangerous to take a bike anywhere else but a park (cars drive like crazy)
* If you walk in a short skirt at Wall Street because chances are that some scumbag in a suit thinks that he has the right to cat call you (don't let that stop you though!!!)
* There's this guy called Trump
* Fresh air that isn't toxic to breath in
* A lot of things are free here in Sweden which is great (health care, school, surgery), America you seriously need to look over where those tax money is heading 
The water tastes like it should (in other words like water)
* We have a lot of great bands/artists
* You can drive to a nearby farm and pet cow babies
* The pizza might not be as cheap as the New York one but it's better oops
* Sweden is very small so it doesn't take days to drive to another part of the country, you can like drive to different countries in less than a day
* Cold winters with a lot of snow (yey for skiing)
* If you don't own an Michael Kors bag you are an "outcast" (if you are a swede and disagree with me you probably own one of those bags) 
* This douchebag Jimmy Åkesson and his political party (pls don't support them people)
* If you live in my town there is no fast food close and everyone is racist and sexist here
* Swenglish (that horrible accent)
* You always run into someone you don't want to meet, ALWAYS
* The swedish "dream" that everyone is going for makes me totally panicked
* The summer weather (hello rain and hail)
* If you live in my town no one wants to come and visit you because you live way too far from civilisation
Okay I think I got the most basic ones. So conclusion? New York has a lot of awesome food and hot dudes and Sweden has better water and the air is better to breathe. You must cleary see why I choose to study in New York rather than Sweden. Nah jokes aside. Sweden and my little city (it ain't even a city but yeah) is all good and I do like it here. But after spending almost twenty years of my life here I kind of feel suffocated. Everyone knows me and I feel like I can never be anything else here. Never achieve what I want to achieve. I need something else.
So even if the air in New York sucks I kind of find it a bit easier to breathe there. 


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