my day in photos

Okay so my alarm really went off at eight but it was way too early for me so I kind of snoozed. Then I realised I had to leave my house in less than half an hour and I had to take a shower, get ready and eat breakfast. Never been that quick before. Not a morning person as you can see.
Okay. I did it. I removed the stitches. Or not me. But a nurse did. And I was super close to fainting because the whole room started spinning. But thankfully she was really quick and managed to get it done before I hit my head in the floor. This is my "omg I did it and I am so happy but I need some more air so I don't faint from thinking about it"- face. 
Okay so since I am baking a lot of stuff for the crayfish party this weekend I needed to buy a lot of things so we drove to this mall not too far away. I bought almost two kilos of chocolate so the cake better turn out great. I also really needed a new t-shirt (not really but why not), a lipstick and to fix my glasses. 
Hello from the fitting room! *hand emoji*
After shopping both clothes (I swear I don't shop that often omg it just sounds like that on here like I am broke af) and food stuff we decided to call it a day and I drove home. This is me, super happy for some reason that I drove a car??? I don't know what is going on.
 So the cookies didn't turn out thaaaat great. I kind of forgot about them and they are not cookies but more like... very crunchy and hard cookies. Yes. But the vegetarian pie I made for my cousin did turn out great and look at it!! I am chocked it turned out so good? I might qualify for a housewife after all?  
And yes. That is my day. Described with pictures of me. Omg. Well, sometimes that happens okay. Deal with it.
Right now I'm in bed trying to keep myself from going to the kitchen and take a cookie. They might be rock hard but they contain vanilla fudge so they can't be that bad right? Anyways. Tomorrow I'm going to get my hair done *angels singing* and then bake two cakes, workout and clean my room since it can't look like this when there will be people here this weekend. I need to look like a person who was her life together. 


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